These strategies are not the original ideas of any member of our
group. These strategies can be found
at: <http://www.realclassroomideas.com/194.html> and have been changed and adapted
countless times on many sharing sites. The
referenced graphics have been provided to us by Program Specialists at the English
School District. All embedded images can
be located on Google Images.
“Encourage aesthetic reading… encourage
students to read stories aesthetically for the lived-through experience of
Tompkins, Bright,
Pollard, and Winsor, 2008).
Why use Beanie Baby Strategies?
These strategies can be used in all settings – both in the
classroom and in the resource room. They
are about opening a dialogue with students while taking the mystery out of practical
decoding/comprehension strategies – making them concrete.
How do these Strategies look in the classroom?
The toys can be purchased or coloured images can be
displayed. They often become talking
points for whole class instruction or individualized guided reading. Posters can be displayed in a reading center,
or bookmarks can be displayed on student’s desks. Teachers can begin to ask questions like,
“what would spinner the spider say…?” as a prompt strategy development. Some strategies can be abstract – for example
making inferences. But a Beanie Baby (mascot)
can open that door for students.
Starting a dialogue and helping students get grounded in a good reading
practice is a right step in helping all students develop decoding and comprehension
Cited: http://www.realclassroomideas.com/resources/_wsb_335x251_Bulletin+Boards-Decoding+Strategies.JPG |
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